Sunday, 19 October 2014

Italy’s airports ready to participate in economic recovery

Italy’s airports ready to participate in economic recoveryLast week, ACI EUROPE met with the Italian Transport Minister, Mr Maurizio Lupi, together with Italian airport association Assaeroporti. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the work programme of the Italian Presidency of the EU for the aviation sector and to address a number of regulatory issues threatening the development of Italianairports – and their contribution to Italy’s economic recovery.
ACI EUROPE praised the Italian Government for its efforts to progress on the implementation of the Single European Sky and also fully supports its intention to press ahead with the revision of EU passenger rights legislation and slot regulation - in spite of the impasse created by the disagreement between the UK and Spain over Gibraltar.
Looking at how Italian airports have significantly outperformed economic activity in their country, ACI EUROPE stressed the key role they are playing in supporting economic recovery - through the essential connectivity they provide to Italian cities and regional communities. In this regard, ACI EUROPE called on Minister Lupi to further progress on addressing a number of pending regulatory issues that are still holding back airport development in Italy.
Source and image: ACI

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