Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Russia wants to ban foreign pilot employment

According to deputies, the recent shortage of pilots was replaced by an unprecedented oversaturation of the market, according to Izvestia.
State Duma deputy Mikhail Degtyarev prepared a bill repealing the amendments adopted earlier in 2014, which prohibited Russian companies specializing in air transport to hire foreign pilots. The draft law proposed to  declare null the changes in Art. 56 Air Code and Art. 14 of the Federal Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation."
According to the Parliament, the admission of foreign citizens in the Russian flight crew poses a threat to national security. In the context of international instability and sanctions to employ foreigners it would be a manifestation of indulgence to the West, was confident MP.
According to the Vice-President of the aircrew Trade Union, Oleg Prikhodko, personnel market is going through hard times, and the end of 2014 about 400 pilots lost their jobs.
Meanwhile, one of the largest Russian airlines said that the abolition of the recently adopted rules was premature.
In April, the aeronautical authorities assessed the shortage of personnel to be in the 1-1.4 thousand. It was assumed that Russian airlines will attract 200 pilots annually until 2019.

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