Monday, 1 September 2014

AVIATION AFRICA event: AVIATION AFRICA 2015 10th - 11th May 2015 • Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The event will take place in Dubai, UAE on 10-11 May 2015

IATA chief executive Tony Tyler has described this as the ‘century of African Aviation’ as the continent takes steps to achieve its growth potential. Its nearest neighbours, the Middle East, have achieved such momentous growth over the past two decades.
These two world regions have a rich shared history. There has been centuries of trade and shared experience. And today, the opportunity continues to share experience and opportunity.
AVIATION AFRICA 2015 aims to bring government and civil aviation authorities; senior airline management; business aviation operators and specialists; financial and industry consultants and leasing companies; airport management and service company management and leaders from maintenance, training and flight support.
The conference and exhibition takes place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the home of the ‘open skies’, the venue offers easy access to nationals of African countries.
The event is designed to be a meeting place for African aviation business and Middle East business. It creates networking opportunities that can work both ways for the development of markets, access to finance; and the growth of business opportunity.

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