Recently, we have witnessed several shocking and even mystical aviation incidents - the disappearance of the Malaysian MH370, the suicide of the Germanwings pilot Lubitz, the plane crash into the river in Taiwan. While aviation authorities are spending huge amounts of money on the possible preventative measures, an engineer from Russia Mr. Zakharov claims that for just 30 dollars he can actually calculate the odds of an aircraft crash as well as where and when it should be expected.
The story of Alexander Zakharov, a graduate of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, began when he was working as a senior engineer at the Kirov plant, a major Russian machine-building plant where he was assigned the task of designing new models of military equipment.
“Managing the survival capabilities was one of my duties. In 1985, I worked on a special project involving a military machine, which is still not available in any army throughout the world. The machine is made on the basis of the ordinary T-55, T-62 or T-64 tanks. For example, in Ukraine, there are many of these tanks. All of them can be upgraded and then sold around the world. My project was sent to the Academy of Ministry of Defence of the USSR. In order to develop more and more new survival methods, I have gradually began to study everything I could find - astrology, numerology, parapsychology, terrestrial magnetism, the resonant frequency of the noise and seismic stress in terms of rhythm,“ says Alexander Zakharov.
Here is what Alexander has to say today: "I would argue that a plane does not crash randomly. From 2009 to 2014 I was travelling a lot and spent a considerable amount of time testing flights for safety to meet my estimates. Unsurprisingly, almost always the real events corresponded with my estimates."
For over twenty years now Zakharov has been predicting disasters and catastrophes. According to the Zakharov’s theory, for any object, would it be a person, a plane or a car, there are certain days “X” when the natural rhythms are formed in such a way that the risk of abnormality increases to a maximum. All the nature’s phenomena are interconnected, he says, so even the number of an aircraft can serve as a source of information for the forecast. According to Zakharov, the disaster is a resonance of vibrations at a certain time in a certain place.
The laws of physics and nature serve as a basic rule for Zakharov’s theory. Alexander argues that all calculations are made based on purely scientific methods, therefore, it is possible to create a complete program and train thousands of professionals.
Alexander Zakharov presents the results of his calculations in the form of graphs with explanations, serving as a guide for future actions. Such calculations are a new level of technology for the early prevention of aircraft accidents, states Alexander.
"I was invited to Israel for an international conference on seismology, as well as presented my methods at numerous international conferences in Saint Petersburg. I have a letter from the US Transportation Security Administration. Even TSA admits that they do not have anything like this. I have worked with the Interstate Aviation Committee. However, the process of implementing my methods must be carried out very carefully and thus it is rather slow. The accuracy of my predictions is up to 98%. Despite this, many governments do not want to take the responsibility. I think that the majority is simply still not ready for such methods," says Alexander.
"For example, in March 2011, three days before the Fukushima accident, I came with my calculations to the local regional office of The Ministry of Emergency Situations. But no one responded. In June, I sent my forecast for the second half of the year to the head of the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency. One of the most dangerous places and dates indicated in my forecast was the September 12 in Kamchatka. That exact day, an AN-28 crashed in the north of Kamchatka."
Zakharov explains that every plane, every pilot, every manager and even every day of the year has its own (personal) physical vibration. When the coincidence of frequencies and vibrations correlate, it leads to a failure of on-board equipment or ground-based radars. It is the resonance that leads to violations of people’s mentality, including traffic controllers, pilots and passengers.
“Back in 2011, I sent a detailed forecast to the General Consulate of Germany in St. Petersburg. My calculations were proposed to Lufthansa, but, unfortunately, no response was received. I had previously determined the days when the risks were particularly high for A320 planes. The crash in the French Alps of the Germanwings A320 happened exactly on one of those days. I believe that the main cause of the disaster is the aforementioned resonance of physical processes, which regard to the co-pilot A.Lubitz. Such processes are capable of being calculated. According to my projections, the number of plane crashes in Europe will increase. There are multiple reasons for that, both mental and technological," concluded Alexander Zakharov.
However, far from everyone believes that forecasting disasters is possible using human mind. Professor Florian Holzapfel from the Technical University of Munich, Institute of Flight System Dynamics, who for many years has cooperated with the Aviation Safety of IATA as well as several airlines, thinks that it will never be a way to predict specific accidents at a specific point of time for a specific aircraft.
“There are certain trends that may be monitored early based on the actually recorded data, allowing predictive and preventive action before something happens. We are active in the field of predictive flight safety developing such methods as they are pushed by the Airline Safety Management System requirements published by ICAO. Given the large number of indicators, it is possible to make predictive analysis and indicate a higher or lower probability for certain incident types. But it is still a probability, not a forecast,” explains Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Holzapfel.