The Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) Africa Office Chairman and ATNS CEO, Thabani Mthiyane said delegates attending the CANSO Africa Conference - currently underway in Zambia - have realised the importance of increasing collaboration and cooperation among member states, thereby accelerating progress towards a safer, more efficient and cost-effective Air Traffic Management (ATM) system in the Africa Region.
“Obviously no single region of the world has monopoly on development. As a collective, we have taken cognizance of the fact that humanity’s struggle for growth and wellbeing is universal and calls for analogous solutions everywhere, although it is important that they be closely adapted to the countries in which they are applied. A region such as ours cannot have growth as its sole aim. Globalization offers a new spectrum of new essential services: the fight against climate change, aviation safety, security and stability; and of course the fight against poverty - to mention but a few” he said in welcome speech.
He further went on to say that it is no more a question of job creation or social equity but that infrastructure development, regional balance and cooperation were perfect examples of the economic and societal changes that aviators are championing.
Speaking at the same conference, was CANSO director general Jeff Poole, about how Africa now has a unique opportunity to modernise air navigation infrastructure across the continent. Poole said: “The air transport industry is a catalyst for supporting the growth of economies across Africa. Air traffic management (ATM) plays a vital role in this by ensuring the smooth and safe flow of traffic. While many States have invested to upgrade their ATM infrastructure, there is still a widespread need for modernisation to manage the expected growth in air traffic and to enable airlines to make full use of the latest technologies. There is now a unique opportunity to take African aviation to the next level. The combination of technological advances and the upgrade structure developed by ICAO, CANSO and stakeholders, will enable the transformation of ATM performance across Africa.”
Some delegates indicated that Africa is also facing climate change related environmental issues that have a negative impact on development and welfare. Preserving environmental stability is fundamental pillar of the CANSO Africa development agenda. 60% to 70% of carbon emissions come from energy consumption in industry, transport, heating et cetera. They agreed that Africa needed energy revolution.
“The past few years have seen an expansion of the CANSO Africa Office’s tasks and the reorganization of its Work Groups. They’ve given us an opportunity to design strategies, the majority of which are still in place and keep the region on par with its equals elsewhere” concluded Thabani.
He further went on to say that it is no more a question of job creation or social equity but that infrastructure development, regional balance and cooperation were perfect examples of the economic and societal changes that aviators are championing.
Speaking at the same conference, was CANSO director general Jeff Poole, about how Africa now has a unique opportunity to modernise air navigation infrastructure across the continent. Poole said: “The air transport industry is a catalyst for supporting the growth of economies across Africa. Air traffic management (ATM) plays a vital role in this by ensuring the smooth and safe flow of traffic. While many States have invested to upgrade their ATM infrastructure, there is still a widespread need for modernisation to manage the expected growth in air traffic and to enable airlines to make full use of the latest technologies. There is now a unique opportunity to take African aviation to the next level. The combination of technological advances and the upgrade structure developed by ICAO, CANSO and stakeholders, will enable the transformation of ATM performance across Africa.”
Some delegates indicated that Africa is also facing climate change related environmental issues that have a negative impact on development and welfare. Preserving environmental stability is fundamental pillar of the CANSO Africa development agenda. 60% to 70% of carbon emissions come from energy consumption in industry, transport, heating et cetera. They agreed that Africa needed energy revolution.
“The past few years have seen an expansion of the CANSO Africa Office’s tasks and the reorganization of its Work Groups. They’ve given us an opportunity to design strategies, the majority of which are still in place and keep the region on par with its equals elsewhere” concluded Thabani.
“Obviously no single region of the world has monopoly on development. As a collective, we have taken cognizance of the fact that humanity’s struggle for growth and wellbeing is universal and calls for analogous solutions everywhere, although it is important that they be closely adapted to the countries in which they are applied. A region such as ours cannot have growth as its sole aim. Globalization offers a new spectrum of new essential services: the fight against climate change, aviation safety, security and stability; and of course the fight against poverty - to mention but a few” he said in welcome speech.
He further went on to say that it is no more a question of job creation or social equity but that infrastructure development, regional balance and cooperation were perfect examples of the economic and societal changes that aviators are championing.
Speaking at the same conference, CANSO Director General Jeff Poole, said, “The air transport industry is a catalyst for supporting the growth of economies across Africa. Air traffic management (ATM) plays a vital role in this by ensuring the smooth and safe flow of traffic. While many States have invested to upgrade their ATM infrastructure, there is still a widespread need for modernisation to manage the expected growth in air traffic and to enable airlines to make full use of the latest technologies. There is now a unique opportunity to take African aviation to the next level. The combination of technological advances and the upgrade structure developed by ICAO, CANSO and stakeholders, will enable the transformation of ATM performance across Africa.”
Some delegates indicated that Africa is also facing climate change related environmental issues that have a negative impact on development and welfare. Preserving environmental stability is fundamental pillar of the CANSO Africa development agenda. 60% to 70% of carbon emissions come from energy consumption in industry, transport, heating et cetera. They agreed that Africa needed energy revolution.
“The past few years have seen an expansion of the CANSO Africa Office’s tasks and the reorganization of its Work Groups. They’ve given us an opportunity to design strategies, the majority of which are still in place and keep the region on par with its equals elsewhere” concluded Thabani.
He further went on to say that it is no more a question of job creation or social equity but that infrastructure development, regional balance and cooperation were perfect examples of the economic and societal changes that aviators are championing.
Speaking at the same conference, CANSO Director General Jeff Poole, said, “The air transport industry is a catalyst for supporting the growth of economies across Africa. Air traffic management (ATM) plays a vital role in this by ensuring the smooth and safe flow of traffic. While many States have invested to upgrade their ATM infrastructure, there is still a widespread need for modernisation to manage the expected growth in air traffic and to enable airlines to make full use of the latest technologies. There is now a unique opportunity to take African aviation to the next level. The combination of technological advances and the upgrade structure developed by ICAO, CANSO and stakeholders, will enable the transformation of ATM performance across Africa.”
Some delegates indicated that Africa is also facing climate change related environmental issues that have a negative impact on development and welfare. Preserving environmental stability is fundamental pillar of the CANSO Africa development agenda. 60% to 70% of carbon emissions come from energy consumption in industry, transport, heating et cetera. They agreed that Africa needed energy revolution.
“The past few years have seen an expansion of the CANSO Africa Office’s tasks and the reorganization of its Work Groups. They’ve given us an opportunity to design strategies, the majority of which are still in place and keep the region on par with its equals elsewhere” concluded Thabani.