Saturday, 11 October 2014

Indian City Becomes First Vegetarian City in the World

Worldcrunch reports a historic change in Palitana, an Indian city, which has become the first all-vegetarian city in the world.

Behind this revolutionary change are the Jain monks who went on a hunger strike to pressure the state of Gujarat to outlaw animal slaughter in their city. The hunger strike was successful and the Gujarat government imposed a ban on animal slaughter and outlawed the sale of meat and eggs.

About 5 million people in India practice Jainism and agree with the ban.

Virat Sagar Maharaj, a Jain monk, says, "Everyone in this world - whether animal or human being or a very small creature - has all been given the right to live by God."

As individuals, the best thing you can do to protect animals is to adopt a kind vegan lifestyle. For more information and tips for transitioning to a vegan diet.

Ebola outbreak highlights global disparities in health-care resources

August 14, 2014
NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
The outbreak of Ebola virus disease that has claimed more than 1,000 lives in West Africa this year poses a serious, ongoing threat to that region: the spread to capital cities and Nigeria -- Africa's most populous nation -- presents new challenges for healthcare professionals. The situation has garnered significant attention and fear around the world, but proven public health measures and sharpened clinical vigilance will contain the epidemic and thwart a global spread.

PHOTO: Captain Uhuru ‘Flying’ Himself To the Hague

One thing that has endeared Uhuru Kenyatta to Kenyans who at first were skeptical of his leadership credentials is his charisma and cool nature.
Despite facing serious criminal charges at the Hague, the ‘president’ was at his usual best showing his easy going nature.
On his trip to the Netherlands on a Kenya Airways flight, he made his way to the cockpit and assumed the pilot’s role. Posing for a photo in the pilot’s hat and once again proving why he is a cool president and a clown at that.

Many in U.S. lack knowledge about Ebola, its transmission, poll finds

August 22, 2014
Harvard School of Public Health
Although the Centers for Disease and Prevention reports no known cases of Ebola transmission in the U.S., a poll shows that four in 10 adults in the U.S. are concerned that there will be a large outbreak in the country, and one-quarter are concerned that they or someone in their immediate family may get sick with Ebola over the next year.

Fast, simple diagnostic test specific to 2014 Ebola outbreak

Air Algerie confirms triple order for A330s

Air Algerie has ordered three Airbus A330-200s according to the latest numbers released by the European manufacturer.

The agreement helped take Airbus’s gross order total to 1,077 aircraft by the end of the third quarter, with a net of 791.
Of the airframer’s long-haul lines, only the A330 increased its order count in September.
Airbus delivered 443 aircraft in the first three-quarters of the year, two fewer than it managed by the same point last year. Boeing has delivered 528 aircraft in the same period .
Meanwhile Egyptian carrier Nile Air is believed to have cancelled most of the Airbus A321s it ordered six years ago.
The airline ordered the aircraft in December 2008, about a year after it disclosed the selection at the Dubai air show.

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