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- Ajab Adnan Mwenyewe When gadaffi was telling us to unite and become one african state, we looked at each other and thought gadaffi is a mad man.
- Mwenda Kinoti Evlyn Njeri 1)Ebola was discovered in 1976 and from then until the current outbreak only 2000 people died from it vis a vis 0.6M deaths/year from malaria (FYI malaria is a tropical african disease) 1.3M deaths/year from TB and 1.6M/year from AIDS so a...See More
- Farah Odhiambo Africa is to blame. Yes!! Negligence and not being proactive when this malady came knocking.Being hapless as it is the norm in Africa, a pariah continent,we knocked Western doors seeking for panaceas, and as they have always done those other years,th...See More
- Suez Aern Shavey' Njery mr anaan jus realisd he is actualy an african n nt otherwise. no mater how much n well u work 4a master u wl never dine wit hm. u remain a 'good' servant. lets al unite as kenyans and africans. there is more tht unite us than tht which divide us
- Tatah Musyokah Senior i wonder y some people like making alot of unnecessary noise! we africans like whining alot! the otha day museveni said that africans should be left to solve their own problems....hehehhe this statement is laughable! we are good indeed at solving our ...See More
- Stephen Muhia If u r sincere tell us what u know about Kenyans cases in icc. I know u r standing against west coz ua region is hard hit by Ebola.
- Angie Gabriel Indeed BBC reported a while ago that the vaccine is over when they treated the last patient or whom they thought is the last. This is an African problem. We shd not always look to the West. Lets face it we r not a priority. We shd try to solve African challenges by ourselves.
- Patrick Maingi For those who read history should know until Africans demand better they will continue to get raw deals from their leads. Europe had the issue of plague measles small pox many years back. They were determined with whatever they had and in the process great minds discovered the likes of penicillin. So stop this nonsense of dependence and handouts. Invest in education science labs we have all the right apparatus to achieve everything but we have to know the likes of your thinking and greed from majority of our leaders will continue to make Africa pity land. Such a shame we luck strategic leaders with a wide view of all issues.
- Peter Kamande Annan doesnt have any legitimacy to talk about African problems. He was the head of the UN Security Council when Rwanda went into genocide in 1994 and neglected it as people killed each other.. Reason for negligence being; it was a poor African country!
- Mohammed Abul Kalam he is not stupid rather failing to know a talented man proves that u r the greatest stupid,,, he is ex secretary general of UN.. what r u?? uh,black or white both r blessing of almighty Allah,,, man can't determine his color
- Victor Kioko africa has the ability to sort out its issues. sijui kwanini tuna shindiaga kulilia wazungu ni kama sisi ni ma invalid.
- Victor Kioko with our leaders enjoying lifestyles that even the wazungu would envy yet the rest of the citizens are languishing in poverty and misery, i totaly agree with you mr captain.
- Leonard Karanja Is it not strange that when a white man contracted it in the US, he was put on experimental drugs and Voila! he was well. A black person on the other hand did not survive.
- Sammy Munga Blaming the world is stupid excuse. The African leaders are solely to blame for poor governance which entails a lot of corruption and forgetting developments.
- Kipruto Muthemba The African Union is squarely to blame here, whats' it doing?, infact where are they?.
- Yusuf Gacheru Africa dont need the west its the west that needs Africa,that why the subhumans had to go to the lab n make ebola to kill u humans
- Chisom J Paul The African government is contributing massively in destroying Africa
And that was the original idea - Victor Oluoch Why do we like whining, don't we have doctors and reseachers, by the way when it started didn't we blameb the media for blowing things out of propotion yet we needed help and speedy action. As africa we better learn to plan for disaters and disease outbreaks like this.
- Mucomba Anthony If Africans cannot take care of themselves,why should the west help them? It is high time we Africans become self reliant.
- Nick Kiogora N i serious hate the western countries..no wonder some politicians are still clinging to them.
- Joh Kham Waro At last some sense are getting in his head...what did you do 4Africa when you were the secretary 4UN.
- Engesia Sarah So Ebola started in America years ago but they got rid off it. African leaders need to stop depending on the west. They need to use the doctors in the continent in order to come up with some research of ailment affecting Africa. Our people gone to school but not being utilized enough. There's money in the health care sector. Every time there's a crisis, u look upon the west yet our presidents r the most corrupt. When they get sick they also run to the west. Hey b men and women enough to act on u r problems.
- Stephen Mwangi TRUE words from a foolish man,peleka Ebola ICC
I can admit today y
ou feed your head
before opening your mouth - Kelvin Lumiti we spent more buying military equipments just kill our brother at the expense of real issue
- Gerald Kaihura Annan should stop this nonesense! Soon we'll hear the greatest propagandist African leader Mugabe blame the west for bringing Ebola to Africa. Africans when will we learn to take responsibility for our failures? All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame someone, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him or her, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy.
- Steve Hazard Alonso Neocolonialism,when will it walk out of Africa,can't we do things in our style and forget about the whites!!!!... when will we learn
- Wallie Ogetii Obviously........Mr. Annan, now that it is affecting the entire world, "people" are scrabbling to contain it. Same can be said about Malaria. being a non issue for the western world, malaria research is almost nonexistence even thought it kills > 3 Million children in African. Itt is quite a shame and a disgrace. selfish and almost barbaric. God will Judge us all.